Borderland Gaming is the primary competitive site for the new PC game Bloodline Champions. They are dedicated to the growth of the competitive gaming community, and have (wisely) added a Super Street Fighter 4 section to their site to further this goal. I will be contributing content to their site weekly, with particular emphasis on a technical breakdown of the game.
Thanks to them, I'll be traveling to every tournament around the country that I feasibly can. I've always wondered how far my skills would take me on the east coast, and now I'll get the opportunity to learn. This is a pivotal moment in my competitive career, and I intend to capitalize on it.
However, I need all of you to help me. Yes, you. Either on this site or over at, let me know what you'd like me to write about! I have some ideas for tutorial videos to make and articles to write about, but I'm heavily interested in what you'd like to hear. Sound off in the comments!