Monday, July 26, 2010

Borderland Gaming

In the near future, I'll begin posting regular content over at For the most part, I will put any Street Fighter related content on that site. I will probably continue updating this site with the same content and possibly some personal content as well, I'm not sure yet. Do people really want to hear about my personal life? Probably not.

Borderland Gaming is the primary competitive site for the new PC game Bloodline Champions. They are dedicated to the growth of the competitive gaming community, and have (wisely) added a Super Street Fighter 4 section to their site to further this goal. I will be contributing content to their site weekly, with particular emphasis on a technical breakdown of the game.

Thanks to them, I'll be traveling to every tournament around the country that I feasibly can. I've always wondered how far my skills would take me on the east coast, and now I'll get the opportunity to learn. This is a pivotal moment in my competitive career, and I intend to capitalize on it.

However, I need all of you to help me. Yes, you. Either on this site or over at, let me know what you'd like me to write about! I have some ideas for tutorial videos to make and articles to write about, but I'm heavily interested in what you'd like to hear. Sound off in the comments!


  1. It would be cool to see into your personal life a little more, there is only so much you can write purely about street fighter. However seeing into the life of a 'Pro' would be much more interesting.

    A good mix of blogs about yourself, how you have practiced etc, as well as tutorials and strategies would be really cool I think.

  2. I think it'd be great if you could do a "Getting Started the Right Way" kind of thing. A lot of beginners (myself included) will just jump into challenge mode or start trying to pull off things from combo vids on Youtube.

    Lay out how to really learn the game (or just Abel) and what to avoid as well as focus on as you spend more and more time with the game (and Abel.) It's easy to say "practice this combo 30 times in a row" but there's got to be more to it than that. Essentially, decrease the learning curve for scrubs and kill bad habits before they start :-)

  3. Talk about the AZ drama. Talk about your dancing. When you travel, talk about the overall player attitudes in different regions.

  4. I think Bud has a great idea.

    Bad habits are one of the biggest killers out there. If you're a complete beginner, you'll start messing around and you will pick up things that kind of work, sometimes, maybe. Once you decide to bring your game to the next level though, you realize that all those things you've been doing are bad. Then you have to spend time actively unlearning the things you subconsciously learned. I feel that if a player's base for learning was one of good habits, rather than bad, they could avoid some tough times. Why build a house of straw first if you could go right for the bricks?

    I do recognize the benefit of learning from your mistakes though. I just think that it would be better if the mistake was, "That was probably not the best choice in this situation" rather than, "Never, ever, ever do that".

    Personally, I'm also interested in getting into the local scene. My current abilities are in a state that I could never show my game to anybody. It would be too embarrassing. If I do get better though, I live out in the west valley, so maybe I'll play you someday.

  5. Yeah, us learning a bit about yourself would be cool. It would be cool too if you could talk about the players you meet and what they are like.

    A complete beginners guide in your words would also be neat. :)
